Test tube

The spring 2017 ring test among QS accepted laboratories for pesticide residue analysis in fruit and vegetables was passed with best result by our lab team in Poland. AGROLAB Polska in Deblin is still the only lab in Poland that fulfils the QS criteria for pesticide analysis.


This proficiency testing was run by QS Fachgesellschaft Obst-Gemüse-Kartoffeln GmbH. It is used to be an external quality assurance and shows on each testing field the performance/ability of the participating laboratories. It is obligatory to QS accepted labs to maintain their notification.


In this test 26 laboratories received identically spiked samples of savoy (cabbage). 11 residues had to be identified (no false negative) and at least 9 quantified correctly. Reporting of any substance that has not been spiked (no false positive, would have led to failing too.)


AGROLAB Polska found 11 from 11 and quantified 10 out of 11 substances correctly!
Out of the 26 participants in this round only 17 passed the test (65%).


We congratulate our colleagues for their excellent performance!