egg liquer
AGROLAB GROUP´s LUFA-ITL in Kiel  passed the test with flying colours


Because of the Fipronil case the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service organised an ad-hoc proficiency test for Fipronil content in eggs. Among the 85 participating laboratories also AGROLAB LUFA-ITL took the chance to take part in this competition.


The aim of this PT was to assess the competence of Official Control Laboratories and National Reference Laboratories in the EU Member States. However it was open also for private labs on a voluntary basis.

For the specialists among our readers: We achieved an excellent  z-score of -0,9  (Z-scores within -2.0 and +2-0 are accepted).


Still Firpronil stay a challenge as now we find the residues of this forbidden substance in products produced from eggs like egg powders, pasta or ehh liqueur. So it si still recommended to check processed goods with egg content of unclear origin for Fipronil.




  • Citation: Stefanka Bratinova, Lubomir Karasek, Gerhard Buttinger, Joerg Stroka, Håkan Emteborg, John
  • Seghers, Piotr Robouch and Hendrik Emons, Report on the proficiency test organised by the JRC-Geel for the
  • determination of Fipronil in eggs, EUR 28806 EN; doi:10.2760/004489