
In diesem Abschnitt wiederholen wir Warnmeldungen aus dem RASFF-System der Europäischen Kommission aus dem vergangenen Monat, die wir für bemerkenswert und für unsere Kunden für interessant halten.


Wir verzichten darauf, die zahlreichen Meldungen zu allen Mykotoxin- und Salmonellen-Grenzwertüberschreitungen zu wiederholen, sondern zeigen nur eine Auswahl, um die Risiken zu verdeutlichen. Wir möchten Sie jedoch darauf aufmerksam machen, dass in zahlreichen Fällen fehlende Allergeninformationen als schwerwiegend eingestuft wurden und ebenfalls zu Grenzwertverstößen führten.

Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass wir die Tabelle auf Englisch präsentieren.


Sie können die RASFF-Seite mit Hilfe verschiedener Filteroptionen bequem selbst analysieren und die Meldungen auf diejenigen beschränken, die für Ihr Unternehmen von direktem Interesse sind. Link:


Chemical Hazards: Product Origin
3-MCPD & Glycidylesters glycidyl-esters 4.000 µg/kg (1.000 µg/kg) in sunflower oil Ukraine
3-MCPD-ester 4.000 µg/kg & Glycidyl esters 1.790 µg/kg in Curry leaves biscuits Indonesia
Biogenic amines Histamine 1.440 mg/kg (400 mg/kg) in skipjack tuna fillet India, notified by Spain
Capsaicinoids Too high content of capsaicin (1.602 µg/kg - 2.956 µg/kg) and labeling deficiencies in chips  india, via Germany
Carbonates E 500 - sodium carbonate +) - unauthorised use  5357.1 mg/kg in Pangasius Vietnam, via Netherlands
Ethylene oxide (EO) /
2-chlorethanol (2-CE) +)
EO 0,37 mg/kg (!) (0,01 mg/kg) in Psyllium Husk Powder 95% 60 mesh for food Poland
EO 27 mg (!!!) (0,1 mg/kg) in Ashwaganda extract China
2-CE 338 mg/kg (!!!) (0,01 mg/kg) in spice mixture Pakistan, notified by Germany
Heavy and toxic metals Mercury 2,5 mg/kg (1 mg/kg) in frozen mako Spain, notified by Italy
Mercury 2,59 mg/kg (1 mg/kg) in tuna  Italy
Mercury 2,5 mg/kg & 1,4 mg/kg (1 mg/kg) in sword fish (2) Spain (2)
Iodine 24.141.6 mg/kg (!!!) in dehydrated Kombu seaweed China 
Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH/MOAH) MOAH 0,80 mg/kg (action level 0,5 mg/kg) in chickpea flour USA, via Netherlands
Morphine alkaloids Opium alkaloids, Morphine 71 µg/kg (20 µg/kg) in poppy seeds  Spain
Mycotoxins Aflatoxin B1 47,7 µg/kg & 18,4 µg/kg (8 µg/kg) & Aflatoxins (total) 51,3  µg/kg & 19,4 µg/kg (10 µg/kg) in shelled pistachios (2) Turkey (2)
Aflatoxin B1 300 µg/kg (!) (8 µg/kg) & Aflatoxins (total) 330 µg/kg (!) (10 µg/kg) in pealed pistachios Afghanistan
Aflatoxin B1 11 µg/kg (5 µg/kg)  in nutmeg Indonesia
Aflatoxin B1 180 (!), 94 (!) & 69 µg/kg (8 µg/kg) and Aflatoxin (total) 210 (!), 110 & 90 µg/kg (15 µg/kg) in ground nuts (3) Egypt (3), notified by Belgium
Aflatoxins (total) 15.4, 14.3  & 13.8 µg/kg(10 µg/kg) in dried figs (3) Turkey (3)
Aflatoxin B1 27, 35, 14.1, 23, 16.5, 11.4, 10.3 & 18 µg/kg (6 µg/kg) & Aflatoxins (total) 30.0, 39, 19.3, 39,  34.3, 13.4, 21.4  & 31 µg/kg (10 µg/kg) in dried figs (8) Turkey (8)
Aflatoxin B1 8,7 µg/kg (6 µg/kg) in dried figs Turkey
Aflatoxin B1 132,34 (!) µg/kg (6 µg/kg) & Aflatoxins (total) 316,28 (!) µg/kg (10 µg/kg) in dried organic figs Turkey
Ochratoxin A 18,3 µg/kg,  (8 µg/kg) in clipped, halved dried figs  Turkey
Ochratoxin A 41,4 µg/kg (8 µg/kg)  in dried figs Spain
Ochratoxin A 18,5 µg/kg (8 µg/kg) in sultanas Turkey
Ochratoxin A >15 µg/kg (8 µg/kg) in raisins Uzbekistan, notified by Spain
Pesticides Chlorpyrifos +) 0,035 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg)  in black tea South Korea
Chlorpyrifos +) 0,041 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg) in rice India
Chlorpyrifos +) 0,023 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg) & Carbaryl 0,15 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg) in cow peas Turkey
Chlorpyrifos +) 0,02 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg) in black-eyed beans United Kingdom, notified by Netherlands
Acetamiprid 0,032 mg/kg & 0,051 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg)  in Basmati rice (2) Pakistan (2)
Chlorpyrifos +) 0,035 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg)  in Basmati rice Pakistan
 Chlorpyrifos +) 0,031 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg),  Dinotefuran +)  detected (0,01 mg/kg), Permethrin +) 0,25 mg/kg (0,1 mg/kg) & Tolfenpyrad detected (0,01 mg/kg)  in tea Taiwan
Acetamiprid 0,22 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg), Azoxystrobin 0,64 mg/kg (0,3 mg/kg), Carbendazim +) 0,81 mg/kg (0,1 mg/kg), Chlorpyrifos +) 0,08 mg/kg (0,01 mg/kg), Hexaconazole +) 0,26 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg), Kresoxim-methyl 0,11 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg), Metalaxyl 0,32 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg). Picoxystrobin +) 0,38 mg/kg (0,05 mg/kg), Thiamethoxam 0,14 mg/kg  (0,05 mg/kg)  & Tricyclazol  0,72 mg/kg (!) (0,05 mg/kg) in cumin powder  India
Chlorate +) 0.26, 0.21, 0.20, & 0.19 mg/kg  (0,05 mg/kg)  in chicken/poultry meat (4)  China, via Netherlands
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) PAH (sum) 15 µg/kg (10 µg/kg) , Benzo(a)pyren 3,6 µg/kg (2 µg/kg) in sunflower oil Turkey
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 1.936 µg/kg (400 µg/kg))  in chamomilla tea  Czech Republic
165 µg/kg (100 µg/kg) in green tea Germany
3.249 µg/kg (400 µg/kg) in dried parsley leaves Poland
1.430 µg/kg (500 µg/kg) in pollen Spain
2.600 µg/kg  (1000 µg/kg) in oregano Greece
2.400 µg/kg  (1000 µg/kg) in oregano Turkey
Sulfurdioxide (E220), sulphites 2.522 mg/kg (!!!) (1 mg/kg)  in dried apricots Afghanistan, via Austria
3.000 µg/kg (1.000 µg/kg)  in dried apricots Turkey
613 mg/kg (!!) (10 mg/kg) incorrectly labelled allergen in dried apricots Lebanon, via Netherlands
Sulphite 20,7 mg/kg (19 mg/kg) not mentioned as allergen on label of shrimps India
Tetrahydrocannbinol (THC) +) and  Cannabidiol CBD +) Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) 2,2 - 2,5 mg/g (!) in fruit gums Czech Republic, notified by Germany
Unauthorized ingredients (cannabinoids) in food supplements Czech Republic
Tetrahydrocannabinol 1.350 mg/kg (!) and unauthorised novel food ingredient cannabidiol in food supplements Switzerland

+) application is prohibited

MRL exceeded: (!) ≥10 times, (!!) ≥50 times, (!!!) ≥ 100 times


Microbiological Hazards Product Origin
Bacillus cereus  in dried mushrooms China
E.coli 790 MPN/100g (700 MPN/!00g) in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) Italy
E.coli STEC/VTEC Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in chilled cheese France
STEC in Turkish-style garlic sausage Poland, notified by Germany
Listeria monocytogenes in Premium Quality Duck Mousse Roll with Porto Wine France
on Gorgonzola cheese Italy
in smoked Scottish salmon (2) Estonia, notified by Italy (1), Lithuania (1)
in Raclette cheese France
in salmon Norway
Norovirus in oysters (7) France (6), Netherlands (1)
Salmonella in shoarma mix Netherlands
in sesame halva Poland/Turkey
in sesame seeds (3) Nigeria (3)
Staphylococci Staphylococcus aureus in fermented dried sausage Belgium
Staph. aureus 51.000 CFU/g (!!!) & L.mono 5000 CFU/g (!) (100 CFU/g)  in nem France
Vibrio spp. Vibrio vulnificus in frozen wild prawns India, notified by France
in raw frozen prawns Ecuador, notified by France


Other Hazards Origin
Too high vitamin B6 content in dietetic infant and children's formula Germany
Mineral oil-like smell in Basmati rice  China, notified by Germany


Autor: Dr. Frank Mörsberger